Today Wingsuit Pro reached the number 1 slot for all games in Slovenia. Radi vas imamo, da Slovinia! In the iTunes app store.

Wingsuit Pro has broken in to the top 100 overall (paid) games and in to the top 10 (paid) sports games in the itunes app store.

wingsuit in top 100


The Sun has the ninth-largest circulation of any newspaper in the world and the largest circulation of any daily newspaper in the United Kingdom. Wingsuit Pro featured in the “Something for the weekend” feature Friday 4th October 2013.

“MOST of us would never be brave enough to try this need-your-head-testing sort of sport for real – so this is ideal. Zip up your virtual suit and get ready to zoom your way through the air, working through the levels and bagging achievements along the way.”


and they are offWe have our very first review on the app store!


IMG_0278On just the first day of release on the app store Wingsuit Pro has broken in to the top 20 sports games (just) here in the UK

We are really pleased with the launch of the game with zero marketing activity at all at this stage.